Recycling Site in Als Denmark
The recycling site in Als was the first modular solution in Denmark and was supplied by Modulo concrete. The recycling site, which was officially opened in July 2011, is located in Als and is run by I / S Joint
Ecocenter Kanesatake, Canada
The Ratihontsanonhstats Kanesatake Environment Project was created in October 2016, by the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake to develop, implement and maintain safe environmental measures and policies for the Mohawk Community of Kanasetake. Part of the project was to design, install
Waste Recycling Centre Älta Kretsloppscentral, Sweden
Modular construction Modulo concrete modules that form the base of the recycling facility including finished bathroom/bathrooms and meeting room/ education /room were installed within 5 days. Recycling and a creative studio for teaching Under the 9.8 ft high modules a lot of space
Recycling Station Guderup, Danmark
Guderup recycling site is a good example showing that it is possible with relatively low investment to get an upgraded drop off site turning it into a more modern site, In addition, a very short construction period was established: installation
New Ecocenter Solution in Lemmer by Modulo
Modulo has installed a new eco-centre solution in Lemmer, The Netherlands. The site includes hazardous waste. The project was installed within 1 week. The system is replacing the site previously used to accept residential and small business drop off items.
Arden, Danmark
Description A solution that matches the needs Joint Combustion I / S, which includes to operate recycling sites for Mariagerfjord Municipality, chose to establish a completely new recycling site in Arden. The municipality already had an existing older facility in Rostrup at the
Ludvika Sweden
Description The world's largest modular recycling site Ludvika municipality decided in 2015 to upgrade their existing recycling site Björnhyttan to a larger and more modern recycling site. Bjornhyttan has approx. 26,000 citizens. Modulo supplied and installed a 208 blocks modular solution. This
Description New environmental site for Halsa residents. Modulo installed the facility in one day. The Southern Meløy residents live in a remote area. Before the new site was installed, they had to drive between 65 and 100 km to get rid of their
Lemmer The Netherlands
The ecocentre in Lemmer, in the municipality of De Fryske Marren, has been officially opened. Alderman Irona Groeneveld performed the opening operation by throwing bulky household waste in one of the containers (photo above, ed.). It did not take long