Modulo solutions
and services
Modulo solutions are invented to provide flexible, sustainable and attractive options for both private and public customers seeking to maximize recycling efforts, reduce illegal dumping, reduce costs of waste management while optimizing service levels and service experience for residents and small businesses.
Since Modulo commenced in 2013 in North America it already has been able to deliver multiple and award winning projects, confirming proven experience as well as attractiveness of the Modulo offering.
Modulo is able to provide design services, site optimisation services including queuing simulation services, software , hardware solutions, manufacturing and installation as well as site specific components supply.
What is Modulo?
Modulo, originally Modulo-béton, is a modular solution for facilities where residents and small businesses can drop off their reusable and recyclable materials and sometimes excess garbage they want to dispose off.
In an increasing number of communities people are or are becoming more familiar with names like Public Drop Off Centres, Convenience Centres, Recycling Centres, Community Recycling Centres.
The solution has many names. Each Country, each area, sometimes each community, uses different names. As an example, in the UK they call these centres Civic Ammenity sites, in French language speaking Quebec, Canada they call them Eco Centres, while in France they call them Déchetteries.
These Centres have one thing in common: they are there to establish important goals like reduction of illegal dumping initially and ultimately increasing reuse and recycling with as a result cleaner communities and a reduction of materials going to landfills.
Another thing these Centres have in common: once communities start a drop off centre they quickly find out that residents and small businesses really like to use these sites.
Regulations, change, management practices change, needs change. One thing is certain: a constant changing environment is creating the need for drop off locations to be designed and executed in such way that they can facilitate a continuous changing environment.
In most areas, Communities start with a solution almost completely focussed on reducing the costs related to illegal dumping. Depending on the area, these costs can be significant. With the increasing focus on reuse and recycling wordwide, those sites increasingly are changing into added services solutions, accepting more and more reusable and recyclable materials, becoming education centres, and even providing repair- and product sales solutions.
Modulo provides modular solutions. It designs, supplies and installs very flexible solutions using modular concrete elements with a lot of benefits as compared to sites with bins on the ground or elevated poured in place elevated deck drop off solutions. The benefits of its solutions are an increased health and safety environment, reduced development and construction costs, the use of the space on top of the deck as well as under the deck, the ability to adapt to changing situations easily as well as the ability to move the sites in case needed.

Changing environmental policies, more and more focusing on the benefits of a Circular Economy with as a result rapidly growing number of initiatives to increase waste reduction, waste diversion, reuse and recycling, and with local authorities looking for opportunities to combine these initiatives with their efforts to reduce illegal dumping.
Convenience Centers Drop Off Locations are increasingly more important as authorities are trying to manage their local environmental programs. In Europe each 30.000 o 40.000 residents have drop off location opportunities, with an increasing focus on one stop drop off strategies. Maximum 20 minutes from where people live and more and more focused on providing the best possible convenience and attractivity levels, the best experience levels. Focus is on human behaviour with the newest trend being moving to Upcycling, the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.
Also in North America drop off is becoming rapidly more important and popular. An increasing number of sites is being designed, built and operated. With the initial focus on reducing illegal dumping, focus is now more and more on diversion and recycling.
Regulations change, management practices change, and increasingly space is becoming an issue. That is why Modulo was invented. With its patented solutions, Modulo is providing design, build, installation services and solutions with a focus on easy design, rapid installation, highest flexibility, atractivity and with the best service provision potential. Also, with Modulo solutions Modulo customers automatically have the best space use, since, in any combination of levelled, split levelled solutions, it provides the opportunity to use the space under deck for ao storage, processing, office.

Our Vision
It is our vision that Modulo will become the best specialist in its field, providing the best, most cost attractive, most durable, most flexible drop off convenience center solutions to our customers and their residents and small businesses. We are doing everything to give the end user the best user experience in this field.
Modulo is striving to become a leading provider and expert of drop of convenience center solutions that deliver social, environmental and economic benefits to our customers as they are seeking the best solutions to serve residents and businesses.